Friday, September 08, 2006

Well, more fun stuff. Read this article from about older, female virgins. My own opinion is that a man will use a woman's virginity as an excuse to ditch her if he isn't all that into her to begin -- women will do the same thing too. Basically, some people think if someone else hasn't been there earlier, well, there must be something wrong. This, of course, is as fallacious as thinking, "once a slut, always a slut."

It's times like this that Phillipians 4:12 rings even more true.

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

Work to improve your situation when you can -- when it can't be improved, then try and enjoy it.

Right now I'm listening to XM Radio's Special X. Apparently it's not on their satellite lineup, but is available to DirecTV listeners and people who buy XM's online lineup. My wife's been asking to get it, although I'm not 100% sure where we'd listen to it -- we get it at home along with our DirecTV but I'm not sure where we'd get $12.95 a month from listening to it.

I've listened to the French version of Lorne Greene's song Ringo and Leonard Nimoy's hit Bilbo Baggins. Fun stuff.

Spam count
Category 8-Sep Total
Free stuff 21 509
Male performance 11 376
Cheap stuff 12 370
Loans 25 739
Self-improvement 10 151
Porn 70 1342
Meet women 2 69
Stock tips 28 441
electronic scams 0 24
offline scams 1 54
Casinos 3 52
Political 1 6
Blank 9 79

Spanish 7 136
Japanese 5 29
Chinese 64 1197
Undetermined Asian 4 21
Portuguese 0 4
French 0 1
Italian 2 40
Turkish 0 2
Gender-inappropriate 0 0

Total 193 4212

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Another quick spam update. One of these days I am going to make this a real blog. But for now ... this is it.

Category 6-Sep Total
Free stuff 53 488
Male performance 40 365
Cheap stuff 29 358
Loans 97 714
Self-improvement 16 141
Porn 172 1272
Meet women 4 67
Stock tips 46 413
electronic scams 2 24
offline scams 3 53
Casinos 9 49
Political 0 5
Blank 5 70

Spanish 15 129
Japanese 1 24
Chinese 158 1133
Undetermined Asian 0 17
Portuguese 0 4
French 0 1
Italian 3 38
Turkish 0 2
Gender-inappropriate 0 0

Total 476 4019