Friday, August 04, 2006

Quick spam check here.

Free stuff 16
Male performance 7
Cheap stuff 3
Loans 17
Self-improvement 2
Porn 15
Meet women 1
Stock tips 4
electronic scams 0
offline scams 2
Casinos 1
Political 0
Blank 1

Spanish 1
Japanese 0
Chinese 13
Undetermined Asian 1
Portuguese 0
French 0
Italian 0
Turkish 0

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Well, Day Two of the lights being out at work has concluded. It seems the women don't like it very much and the men are enjoying it. I suspect we'll go back to normal when the temperatures go back to normal next week.

Came up with some more Scholastic Bowl answers.

I got 34 spams today.

Porn 8, Cheap stuff 6, Loans 5, Free stuff 4, Male performance 3, Meet women 3, Stock tips 3, Self-improvement 2. Chinese 7, Spanish 3, Japanese 1, Italian 1.

Category Total
Free stuff 164
Male performance 114
Cheap stuff 163
Loans 235
Self-improvement 46
Porn 193
Meet women 23
Stock tips 177
electronic scams 11
offline scams 13
Casinos 17
Political 3
Blank 20

Spanish 60
Japanese 7
Chinese 151
Undetermined Asian 14
Portuguese 3
French 1
Italian 10
Turkish 1
Gender-inappropriate 0

Total 1179
Well, it's another day. Not much right now aside from a Spam count.

Today (45): Porn 14, Loans 9, Free stuff 8, Stock tips 6, Cheap stuff 4, Male performance 2, Meet women 1, offline scams 1. Chinese 13, Spanish 2, Japanese 1, Portuguese 1, Italian 1.

Overall (1,145): Loans 230, Porn 185, Stock tips 174, Free stuff 160, Cheap stuff 157, Male performance 111, Self-improvement 44, Meet women 20, Blank 20, Casinos 17, offline scams 13, e-scams 11, Political 3. Chinese 144, Spanish 57, Asian 14, Italian 9, Japanese 6, Portuguese 3,
French 1, Turkish 1.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Spam count for August 2. Lots of Chinese spam for some reason.

Today (71): Porn 28, Loans 20, Cheap stuff 7, Stock tips 5, Free stuff 3, Self-improvement 3, Male performance 2, Offline scams 2, Political 1. Chinese 26, Spanish 4, Italian 1.

Overall (1,100): Loans 221, Porn 171, Stock tips 168, Cheap stuff 153, Free stuff 152, Male performance 109, Self-improvement 44, Blank 20, Meet women 19, Casinos 17, Offline scams 12, E-scams 11, Political 3. Chinese 131, Spanish 55, Asian 14, Italian 8, Japanese 5, Portuguese 2, French 1, Turkish 1.
Today is hot. However, after we got a broadcast email asking us to conserve power by doing things like turn off the monitors when we go home, turn off desk lamps when we go home, etc., we got the great idea to turn off the overhead lights in our room and turn on our desk lamps instead.

This worked like a charm. The temperatures went down 3-4 degrees in a matter of minutes, we have a cool vibe that other areas of our office simply don't have, and we saved several kilowatts of energy I'd rather see powering the air conditioner. :-)

Tropical Storm Chris is still projected to hit the Gulf at hurricane strength, untouched by Cuba or Florida. Oil prices are soaring as a result, and of course I got left behind today and yesterday's rises.

Fidel Castro still hovers around death. He has done some good and a lot more bad.

Today's SPAM count will be in a later post when I have access to my spreadsheet.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


It was in the lower 80s in my office today. Outside it was 100 or higher, probably feeling like 110. At least home is somewhat cooler, in the lower 70s with low humidity. Plus, I can wear shorts and a T-shirt. Otherwise, it was a quiet day, perfect for catching up on everything.

VHSL: I wrote the answers to all the Virginia geography and US geography. Now left: world geography.

Tropical Storm Chris is currently predicted to go between Cuba and Florida and emerge into the Gulf of Mexico was a full Hurricane. This doesn't look good. In a few ideas, we'll see if Chris will hit either Cuba or Florida, and where along the Gulf it might be aimed. We'll also see if the freakish hurricane strengthening of the past year (Katrina, Rita, Wilma) was a one-year thing or if another Category Five will be roaring in the Gulf this time next week.

Today's spam: 100 total. 27 loans, 26 porn, 13 free stuff, 11 cheap stuff, 8 male performance, 5 stock tips, 4 self-improvement, 2 meet women, 2 offline scams, 1 e-scam, 1 blank. 19 Chinese and 5 Spanish. Those Chinese porn spammers aren't giving up.

Overall: 1,029 total. 201 loans, 163 stock tips, 149 free stuff, 146 cheap stuff, 143 porn, 41 self-improvement, 20 blank, 19 meet women, 17 casinos, 11 e-scams, 10 offline scams, 2 political. 105 Chinese, 51 Spanish, 14 Asian, 7 Italian, 5 Japanese, 2 Portuguese, 1 French, 1 Turkish.

Monday, July 31, 2006

It's another day. Today I'm taking off -- Rebecca is working. I will go out to lunch soon and then work some on VHSL questions.

Am currently listening to Radio Yéyé (French music from the 1960s). Interesting stuff as I have tired of the standard oldies radio rotation, which is gradually being defined away from the 1960s and certainly the 1950s. Will be open to finding Dutch, German or Swedish oldies and certainly some Francopop (if this word doesn't exist to cover the bland popular music that was not anti-Franco or anti-Catholic Church from the 1950s to the 1970s, then it should exist.) The Italian oldies seem decently covered in the nostalgia format I'm familiar with, actually.

I am hoping to find a way to be part of Christ's light in this world. While I am but a poor imitation, it is my hope to find some small method of service.

And now, since most of this blog's six readers (even my family doesn't read this thing) are here for the SPAM count, here it is. The Chinese porn is starting to sag on my mailbox. It's interesting to see cycles start to form even over the two weeks I've been doing this. Porn has moved into 5th place and may well overtake Free stuff and Cheap stuff in the next week. Loans is still running strong, although today there weren't as many loan spams dated from 2038 (amazing!)

Today (41): Porn 10, Stock tips 8, Loans 7, Male performance 5, Cheap stuff 4, Free stuff 3, Meet women 2, E-scams 1, Blank 1. Chinese 9, Spanish 1, Japanese 1.

Total (929): Loans 174, Stock tips 158, Free stuff 136, Cheap stuff 135, Porn 117, Male performance 99, Self-improvement 37, Blank 19, Meet women 17, Casinos 17, E-scams 10, offline scams 8, Political 2. Chinese 86, Spanish 46, Asian 14, Italian 7, Japanese 5, Portuguese 2, Turkish 1, French 1.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Well, yesterday was spent visiting Berryville, where John took some steaks out of my in-laws' freezer and we had a grand old time. John and Abby were VERY kind in preparing dinner for them, Rebecca, my in-laws' friend Monique and me.

Today was the farewell service for Randy and Beth. There was of course the service in the morning and then a reception for them at 4pm today. So -- no small group meeting today. The congregation got them some nice gifts, including a few for Madison and Reese, their kids. Hopefully, Kurt and Nancy Norton will be able to fill some of the role Randy and Beth Wray filled at the Arlington church, and where they are different, they will be able to be a gift to the congregation. The new ministers will be with us in two weeks.

Today's SPAM Count: 113. Loans 34, Porn 26, Free stuff 17, Cheap stuff 14, Stock tips 12, Male performance 4, E-scams 2, Blank 2, Self-improvement 1, Meet women 1. Chinese 18, Spanish 1 and Turkish 1 (!)

Overall count: 888. Loans 167, Stock tips 150, Free stuff 133, Cheap stuff 131, Porn 107, Male performance 94, Self-improvement 37, Blank 18, Meet women 15, E-scam 9, offline scam 8, political 2. Chinese 77, Spanish 45, unknown Asian 14, Italian 7, Japanese 4, Portuguese 2, French 1, Turkish 1.