Sunday, July 30, 2006

Well, yesterday was spent visiting Berryville, where John took some steaks out of my in-laws' freezer and we had a grand old time. John and Abby were VERY kind in preparing dinner for them, Rebecca, my in-laws' friend Monique and me.

Today was the farewell service for Randy and Beth. There was of course the service in the morning and then a reception for them at 4pm today. So -- no small group meeting today. The congregation got them some nice gifts, including a few for Madison and Reese, their kids. Hopefully, Kurt and Nancy Norton will be able to fill some of the role Randy and Beth Wray filled at the Arlington church, and where they are different, they will be able to be a gift to the congregation. The new ministers will be with us in two weeks.

Today's SPAM Count: 113. Loans 34, Porn 26, Free stuff 17, Cheap stuff 14, Stock tips 12, Male performance 4, E-scams 2, Blank 2, Self-improvement 1, Meet women 1. Chinese 18, Spanish 1 and Turkish 1 (!)

Overall count: 888. Loans 167, Stock tips 150, Free stuff 133, Cheap stuff 131, Porn 107, Male performance 94, Self-improvement 37, Blank 18, Meet women 15, E-scam 9, offline scam 8, political 2. Chinese 77, Spanish 45, unknown Asian 14, Italian 7, Japanese 4, Portuguese 2, French 1, Turkish 1.

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