Friday, May 12, 2006

Well, Bush's approval ratings have hit 29%. We have gone out of Carter 1980 territory and entered Nixon 1974 territory; the next stop is Truman 1952 territory. Let's see if there are more polls showing a sub-30 rating -- remember these polls were taken before the NSA database. I'm not sure whether this'll up his ratings or drag it down a few more points, since it seems Mr. and Mrs. America don't have a problem with this. It's as if Bush gets a new scandal every week, one worse than the next.

The doctor told me that I had an allergy and a viral cold showed up sometime early this week. He prescribed a decongestant.

I'm bummed. I spent all day at work installing some application, and then as soon as I did what I could there, I had to babysit a tape drive replacement on the jukebox. Apparently, the backup server no longer sees that particular drive, and a jbconfig and a boot -r haven't fixed the problem. I'm out of patience and since backups start in about 40 minutes, out of time.

Well, we'll see what my wife wants for dinner. She's been known to change her mind on a dime, but since I'm not really set on anything, it's no big deal.

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