Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I owe my sister a reply to her Myspace message.

Well, this past week has been eventful. Lots of stuff going to the new backup network. I discovered a new live365 station, Aramis, radio by night -- it plays American, French, Greek and a smattering of Italian/German/Dutch oldies. Pretty cool, actually. Will hang out with Eugene tomorrow night -- just need to decide what movie to see. I'll head up to Rockville since last time he came from Silver Spring down to Springfield.

Today on Fark there were a couple of thoughtful threads -- one regarding the "Quiverfull" theology and the other regarding the Church of England considering a nuanced position on allowing severely deformed infants to die.

I think to repost my posts. At 8:55am:

Most reasonable ideas become repulsive if carried to their extreme conclusion. The slippery slope arguments are made because we HAVE fallen down that slope in the past, and humanity HAS repeated its mistakes in the past.

Over the course of the past 100 years we have advanced in our ability to care for infants.

Deformities that in 1906 would have meant a short, brutal lifespan or nearly instant death allow either a fairly productive life or even a nearly complete life.

My wife was born three months early. She was given to the care of her parents because, frankly, they expected her to die. Today, her survival would be expected. In 1978, it was considered a miracle. In 1906, well, there would be a gravestone that says, "born and died on November 4, 1906."

She is a college graduate with a job as an engineer today.

Some babies are born with deformities that might be resolved in 2500. Today, all that can be done is say a prayer for those involved -- nurse, doctor, parent and child.

Hopefully even in the death of a child with a borderline deformity there is knowledge gained that can save this child 10-15 years down the line.

On a secondary front, I'd like to add that life has never been unicorns and flowers. As recently as 100 years ago, most people lived and died on the weather. A drought that lasted more than a couple years meant people -- often in the housands -- DID die from starvation.

--end post

One thing I just learned is what is Harlequin fetus syndrome -- and I've heard there's other, worse disabilities. The wonderful thing is that we slowly become better able to handle these and other disorders -- so what caused death 100 years ago allows a life of 20-30 years today and in 100 years, disorders such as cystic fibrosis will be no more impediments than being deaf or blind are today. The sad part is that perhaps the research that allows future babies to live fulfilling lives forces some babies to lead a "life" of but a few weeks in neonatal ICU.

-- from last night's thread about Quiverfull theology

The love of Christ demonstrated by that love appearing in our thoughts, words and actions. To show that love in the face of hatred, whether the hatred carries the banner of "God" or of the "World," is the greatest challenge.

Too often I allow the cold water of hatred to put out the all-consuming fire of God's love that yearns to build within me.

Is having kids an expression of the love our Father holds for us, or is it to achieve some worldly goal? There is so much talk of electing Republicans, as if a Republican President and Congress would guarantee a more moral nation! Does my the bond of marriage I hold with my wife strengthen based on the occupants of power in Washington?

We are each given many gifts. Some unfortunate ones -- their only gift is the strength to overcome their innumerable demons. Others are blessed with many children. Still others are blessed with the ability to teach. Yet none of the parts of the body of Christ are somehow better than the other.

I will pray for serenity of the sort Paul writes about: I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.


God and His Son, Christ, tell us to love much more than they tell us to go forth and fark like bunnies, burn the heretics, hate the gheys, etc.

It is interesting how many people want to create a Heavenly Kingdom in this world.

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